Choose an account that you want to purchase, register, and pay the most affordable prices. As soon as you receive this information, head up to your newly purchased account and check that you have received everything that was promised. In some cases, the seller will send them manually if it’s not an instant delivery offer. After payment is made, PlayerAuctions will provide you with your new account’s login details automatically within a couple of minutes to your registered email address. We highly recommend that you change all the account details (including name, email address, password, etc., and unlink the Facebook account of the previous owner) to keep your account safe and secure.
Buying a PUBG Mobile Account
Whether it is an account loaded with crates and gold, or a berserker profile with high kill/death ratios, we have you covered in all ways possible. More than what you can possible imagine awaits you in the higher tiers. The accounts that the sellers on PlayerAuctions offer can vary according to the services you require. These include, but are not limited to, accounts with high levels; eye-pleasing amounts of cash; Soldier’s and Hero’s crates waiting for you to open; accounts leading their way into the season’s rankings; that female character that you have your eyes on, wearing the Zest Silk Scarf; or even a Battle Royale vigilante wearing the famous PlayerUnknown’s trenchcoat.
The accounts that our sellers’ society offers are available for various servers, with incredible amounts of total hours played, profile statistics and special items unlocked. There are accounts that have ranks as high as level 40 and more, which can provide you the opportunity to go face-to-face against highly skilled players. Within only a few months, our platform’s sellers will provide accounts in both the Platinum and Diamond Tiers, in all three modes: Solo, Duo and Squad Mode. With accounts like these, you will be sure to outshine; not only in your profile rankings against your friends, but also, when you jump off the plane with your awesome character.
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